How Much Does Drywall Weigh

Drywall 101
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July 22, 2013
May 03, 2024

What does drywall weigh?

The weight of a sheet of drywall is determined primarily by it's size and type. The manufacturing location, humidity levels at the time of manufacture, and other minor factors can also affect the weight of drywall to some extent. But in general, you can get a very good idea of how much drywall weighs by using the information below.

For your convenience, you can use our calculator to estimate the total weight of drywall needed for a given project. This will help you determine whether your truck can carry the load. For a more detailed discussion of how to calculate the weight of drywall, please continue reading.

Calculate Drywall Weight

SVG image of a stickman lifting a heavy sheet of drywall.

General Weight Considerations

USG, LaFarge, and Certain Teed are three large North American drywall manufacturers. According to material safety data sheets from USG, standard drywall weighs approximately 38lb/ft3. Lightweight drywall weighs about 28-30 lb/ft3. These three companies publish the following approximate weights for their products:


Brand 1/4 inch 3/8 inch 1/2 inch 5/8 inch
USG© / National Gympsum© 1.2 1.4 1.6 2.2
USG© Ultralight™ N/A N/A 1.25 1.65
LaFarge© 1.1 1.3 1.6 N/A
LaFarge© LiteLift™ N/A N/A 1.3 N/A
Certain Teed© 1.13 1.25 1.6 N/A
Certain Teed© Easi-Lite™ N/A N/A 1.3 N/A

To estimate the weight of drywall from different manufacturers we can normalize their published weights and use lb/ft3 as a baseline.

1/2 inch Standard Drywall Lbs/ft3
USG© / National Gympsum© ~38.4
USG© Ultralight™ ~30
LaFarge© ~38.4
LaFarge© LiteLift™ ~28.8
Certain Teed© ~38.4
Certain Teed© Easi-Lite&trade ~30.5

The chart below shows the approximate weight of one sheet of 4' wide drywall of various lengths from different manufacturers using both a lbs/ft3 and lbs/ft2 calculation.

Using lbs/ft3 calculations for 48-inch wide sheets

Lbs/ft3 8 ft long 10 ft long 12 ft long 14 ft long
1/4” Standard 38.4 25.6 32 38.4 44.8
3/8” Standard 38.4 38.4 48 57.6 67.2
1/2” Standard 38.4 51.2 64 76.8 89.6
5/8” Standard 38.4 64 80 96 112
1/2” Lightweight 29 44 49 58 68.5
5/8” Lightweight 29 53 61 73.5 86

Using lbs/ft2 calculations for 48” wide sheets

Lbs/ft2 8 ft long 10 ft long 12 ft long 14 ft long
1/4” Standard 1.2 38.4 48 57.6 67.2
3/8” Standard 1.4 44.8 56 67.2 78.4
1/2” Standard 1.6 51.2 64 76.8 89.6
5/8” Standard 2.2 70.4 88 105.6 123.2
1/2” Lightweight 1.25 50 60 70 40
5/8” Lightweight 1.65 66 79.2 92.4 52.8


There are a few factors that affect how much drywall weighs. The width, length, and thickness are key factors. But it is difficult to determine the exact weight of a sheet of drywall because of the variables in manufacturing.

Drywall may weigh more or less because of humidity levels during or after manufacture, the manufacturing process or the type of drywall used. It is possible to roughly estimate the weight based on published standards. A general estimate is usually sufficient for contractor needs.